April 2020 CWC News Bulletin

The April 2020 CWC News Bulletin is online.
News from the CWC Secretariat
- A note from the Secretariat regarding COVID-19
- CWC/Trustee Leadership Forum (Boston, USA) postponed:
- UN PRI’s response to COVID-19
- CWC Networked Secretariat member Therese Schets (FNV- Netherlands) retires
- Upcoming proxy season bulletin
COVID-19 resources from the CWC Network
- ITF - Workers capital critical to post-pandemic recovery: Statement from ITF president Paddy Crumlin and ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton on behalf of ITF affiliates worldwide.
- ITUC - COVID 19 Pandemic Page: Contains information from ITUC affiliates, Global Union Federations and LabourStart about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
- TUAC - Covid19 crisis: Mapping out trade union and social partners’ responses: This online resource is a compilation of social partner and trade union in OECD countries’ responses, agreements and calls for action (updated regularly).
- Joint ITUC – Council of Global Unions statement: COVID-19: Urgent economic stimulus and workplace measures required
- Global Unions Federation: Statement on the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank
News and reports from across the CWC Network
- UNI (Global): Teleperformance workers in the Philippines are enduring “subhuman” conditions
- EU: Consultation on the renewed sustainable finance strategy (extended to July 15, 2020)
- CCOO (Spain): Labour risks at Amazon’s operations in Spain - an update by Mario Sanchez Richter, Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CS CCOO) (English/Español)
- AFL-CIO (US) 2020 Key Votes i
- Change To Win (US): Change to Win and the Teamsters press Amazon board on worker safety
- BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU - Canada): investor brief in support of a shareholder resolution at Loblaw (TSE:L)
- Canadian Capital Stewardship Network (Canada) launches
Online events
- The Canadian Capital Stewardship Network (Canada) webinar on Proxy Voting Power: How asset owners can activate their shares and make meaningful change this spring
- The Trustee Leadership Forum for Retirement Security (USA) interactive virtual convenings
- Change to Win Investment Group and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Investor Update: Providing Fast Food During A Pandemic