Join us at the 2022 CWC Conference in Barcelona, Spain on November 28-29

From November 28-29, the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital will be holding its annual conference, in person, in Barcelona, Spain. The conference is the premier forum for international collaboration and dialogue between trade unions and pension fund trustees to effect change in the global economy through the responsible investment of workers’ capital.
The 2022 Workers’ Capital Conference conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain in the Auditorium of the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras - Catalunya over two days:
- Monday November 28th
- Tuesday November 29th
The CWC Networking Dinner will be held on Sunday November 27th
Session topics for this year’s conference will include current challenges and opportunities from trustees around the world, strategies to hold asset managers accountable on fundamental labour rights in investments, the impact of sustainable finance policy developments on pension trustees and trade unions.
See the latest virtual conference draft agenda
Emmanuel Faber, the Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will give the keynote address at the CWC 2022 Workers’ Capital Conference on Monday, November 28th.
Conference participants are responsible for arranging their own hotel bookings. For your convenience, we have compiled a short list of recommended hotels within easy travel distance of the CWC venue.
We encourage you to share this 1-one page flyer with peers to drive turnout to the CWC Conference.
The CWC Conference precedes the PRI in Person conference. Registrants to the CWC Conference may be eligible for a discounted entry to the PRI in Person.
If you have any questions about the CWC Conference or are interested in discounted entry to the PRI in Person, please contact